Research groups
Mirta Stantic
DPhil Candidate
- Clinical Social Cognition (Bird Lab)
My research concerns representations of high-level visual categories (mostly faces, but also objects, scenes, etc.) in healthy and impaired populations. I aim to explain how healthy visual processing works through understanding the gaps in impaired processing. My current research with autistic patients aims to explain components necessary for healthy processing of facial motion in life-like situations. In conducting this research, I use both behavioural tasks and neural modeling to explain the difference between healthy individuals’ functioning and impairments in disordered populations. My Ph.D. research is funded by a Wilfrid Knapp Science Fellowship and a Grand Union DTP ESRC studentship.
Before starting my PhD at Oxford, I was a data analyst for three years. Prior to that, I graduated from Harvard College, where my research with prosopagnosic patients looked at category-specific visual processing and failures of category-specific recognition.
Recent publications
Perceptions of Empathic Norms are Overly Negative in Intergroup Contexts
Stojanov J. et al, (2022)
Use of the Oxford Face Matching Test Reveals an Effect of Ageing On Face Perception But Not Face Memory
Journal article
Stantic M. et al, (2021), Cortex
Short Report: Face Memory and Face Perception in Autism
Journal article
Stantic M. et al, (2021), Autism: the international journal of research and practice
The Oxford Face Matching Test: A Non-Biased Test of The
Full Range of Individual Differences in Face Perception.
Journal article
Stantic M. et al, (2021), Behavioral Research Methods
Visual Awareness Is Limited by the Representational Architecture of the Visual System.
Journal article
Cohen MA. et al, (2015), J Cogn Neurosci, 27, 2240 - 2252
Geoff Bird
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience
Eri Ichijo
DPhil Candidate
Jelka Stojanov
DPhil Candidate