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Sam S. Webb

Sam S. Webb

Sam S. Webb


Stroke Association funded DPhil Candidate

  • DPhil student psychometrically validating neuropsychological assessments.

Clinical tools development within open science framework

My research interests

I am currently a DPhil candidate (2020-2024) working on piloting, psychometrically validating, and norming neuropsychological assessments. 

My broad interests are in open science, psychometric validation, and stroke

I have honorary contracts with both Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (OH)  and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUH), and work at the Oxfordshire Stroke Rehabilitation Unit under OH recruiting for our long term OCS-Recovery project. 

My current projects involve linking functional ability to assessments of executive function in a stroke rehab setting, as well as running psychometric validation projects surrounding the OCS GP version tool. 

The most up to date list of projects worked on right now are found on my website [here] or on my Open Science Framework account [here]

I am open to collaboration regarding new validation projects or regarding remote assessment of cognition in any sample group. 

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