In everyday tasks, our focus of attention shifts seamlessly between contents in the sensory environment and internal memory representations. Yet, research has mainly considered external and internal attention in isolation. We used magnetoencephalography to compare the neural dynamics of shifting attention to visual contents within vs. between the external and internal domains. Participants performed a combined perception and working-memory task in which two sequential cues guided attention to upcoming (external) or memorized (internal) sensory information. Critically, the second cue could redirect attention to visual content within the same or alternative domain as the first cue. Multivariate decoding unveiled distinct patterns of human brain activity when shifting attention within vs. between domains. Brain activity distinguishing within- from between-domain shifts was broadly distributed and highly dynamic. Intriguingly, crossing domains did not invoke an additional stage prior to shifting attention. Alpha lateralization, a canonical marker of shifting spatial attention, showed no delay when cues redirected attention to the same vs. alternative domain. Instead, evidence suggested that neural states associated with a given domain linger and influence subsequent shifts of attention within vs. between domains. Our findings provide critical insights into the neural dynamics that govern attentional shifts between perception and working memory.
Journal article
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences