Presentations on our findings
BDA Conference 2014
The Project Team presented their findings at the British Dyslexia Association conference in 2014.
- Children at Family risk of Dyslexia symposia (overview)
- Children at Family risk of Dyslexia; Same or Different to Specific Language Impairment? (symposia presentation)
- Persistence and consequences of language and speech difficulties in preschool children (Hayiou-Thomas, E., Leavett, R., Nash, H., and Snowling, M.J.)
- Reading and Language Intervention for Children at Risk of Dyslexia (Duff, F., Hulme, C., Grainger, K., Hardwick, S., Miles, J. and Snowling, M.J.)
- The role of language skills in the development of executive function (Gooch, D., Thompson, P., Hulme, C., and Snowling, M.J.)
- The role of the Home Literacy Environment in the early literacy development of children at family-risk of dyslexia (Hamilton, L., Hayiou-Thomas, E., Hulme, C. and Snowling, M.J.)
- The role of speech sound disorder in the etiology of dyslexia (Carroll, J.M., Snowling, M.J. and Nash, H.)
- Predicting literacy outcomes in at-risk children; the role of early language skills (Nash, H., Hulme, C., Leavett, R., Hayiou-Thomas, E. and Snowling, M.J.)
- Prevalence of Reading and Related Disorders in Children At Family-Risk (Snowling, M.J., Nash, H., Gooch, D., Moll, K., Leavett, R. and Hulme, C.)
- Predictors of Arithmetic Skills in Children at Family-Risk of Dyslexia (Moll, K., Snowling, M.J., Göbel, S. and Hulme, C.)
- Are phonological processing, frequency discrimination, and categorical perception core impairments in children at family risk of dyslexia? (de Bree, E., Moll, K., Gooch, D. and Snowling, M.J.)
British Academy lecture
Professor Maggie Snowling was elected as Fellow of the British Academy in 2009. She lectured on ‘Dyslexia: A Language Learning Impairment’ in September 2013.
RALLI videos
The RALLI campaign was created to Raise Awareness of Language Learning Impairments. It offers a plethora of useful videos that explain what a language impairment is, the impact it can have and how to get help.
Useful videos include Becky Clark talking about ‘What is SLI’, Maggie Snowling on ‘SLI and reading: decoding’ and ‘SLI and reading: understanding written language’ and Charles Hulme on ‘Reading intervention for children with language impairments’.