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Santiago Grandas Forero

MSc Psychological Research Student

I am reading for an MSc in Psychological Research at the University of Oxford and am an active member of the OxInteract research group, supervised by Dr. Shelley McKeown. My research interests broadly lie in applied social psychology and behavioural science. Currently, I am developing an online intervention that leverages empathy to promote outgroup prosocial behaviours. 

I am passionate about translating insights from psychological research into practical, evidence-based interventions that drive meaningful and sustainable social change.

My undergraduate thesis focused on designing and evaluating smartphone-based nudges to reduce screen time, exploring the potential of behavioural interventions to influence everyday decision-making in young people. During my undergraduate studies, I also worked with research groups in cognitive developmental psychology and social cognition. 

Originally from Colombia, I have played competitive football all my life and enjoy playing chess in my free time. Two of my favourite books are The Tunnel by Ernesto Sábato and One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez.