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Graduate Courses Available 

We offer the following courses:

These courses do not have BPS accreditation.

Associated Courses

Oxford Doctorate in Clinical Psychology

This degree trains clinical psychologists in a broad range of research, clinical and professional skills. The Oxford Doctoral in Clinical Psychology Course is validated by the University of Oxford and all trainees are members of Harris Manchester College.

MSc in Neuroscience

This is a one year taught masters degree in Neuroscience which provides inter-disciplinary training spanning from molecular biology through to systems cognitive neuroscience. 

Wellcome Trust DPhil for Clinicians

This direct-entry, 3-year Fellowship programme is tailored specifically to the needs of talented clinicians who aspire to a career in academic medicine or clinical psychology. Successful applicants will work towards a DPhil on one of the two streams within the programme: Basic Sciences or Mental and Cognitive Health.

Oxford Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP

The Oxford Interdisciplinary Bioscience Doctoral Training Partnership programme provides training for graduates from a life science or physical science background who wish to conduct leading edge bioscience research. Research areas within the programme include integrative animal and plant biology, mechanistic molecular and cellular biology, agriculture and food security, and industrial biotechnology and bioenergy. 

ESRC Grand Union Doctoral Training Partnership

Our department provides a training pathway in the Grand Union DTP, which brings together Brunel University London, the Open University (OU) and the University of Oxford to create a social science research training community with distinctive and complementary research strengths, student profiles and approaches to research training. Prospective students do not apply directly for ESRC studentships; they are nominated by the department based on an evaluation during the normal graduate admissions process.

Our Facilities

Across all areas of research within the department, we are able to offer facilities that are at the international forefront of the field and we welcome the possibility of joint supervision to optimise inter-disciplinary research.

There are close interactions with the FMRIB Centre for MRI, OHBA Centre for MEG and with the departments of Clinical Neurology, Education, Linguistics, Philosophy, Physics, Biomedical Sciences, Psychiatry, Sociology, Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics.

Finding a potential  Supervisor

We require all applicants for the DPhil (PhD) in Experimental Psychology and MSc by Research in Experimental Psychology courses to contact a potential supervisor in the first instance.

This provides applicants with an opportunity to discuss the area of research they wish to conduct as a part of their DPhil (PhD) or MSc by Research studies and whether the potential supervisor is able to supervise their proposed project.

Applicants who do not approach a potential supervisor in the first instance and/or whose proposed Research Project falls outside the area of expertise of our Research Themes are unlikely to be successful with their application.

If you have any further questions about our graduate courses then please email

Apply by

The graduate application deadline for entry in October 2025 is 12 noon UK time on Tuesday 3rd December 2024.

Interviews for the DPhil and MSc by Research in Experimental Psychology are expected to take place in late January 2025.

Applicants who are shortlisted for interview will be invited to interview online via Microsoft Teams (with video).