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One of the main aims of the new Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre was establishing a Brain Health Clinic as a translational interface between research and clinical service. The service was launched in August 2020 and Professor Mackay will present preliminary evidence about the direct benefits to patients while improving access, representativeness and quality of research. 



Clare Mackay is a Professor of Imaging Neuroscience and leads the Translational Neuroimaging Group in the Department of Psychiatry. Her group use neuroimaging techniques to understand risk and develop markers for psychiatric and neurodegenerative disease. She trained in Psychology at the University of Liverpool, where she also studied for her PhD in quantitative MRI. Clare is Associate Director of the Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity (OHBA) and leads the Open Neuroimaging theme in the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging. She is a theme lead for the NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (Older Adults & Dementia), and is/has been imaging/MRI lead for several large collaborative projects (Oxford Parkinson’s Disease Centre [Parkinson’s UK]; Whitehall II Imaging Sub-study [MRC]; Deep and Frequent Phenotyping Study [MRC/NIHR]). For the MRC Dementias Platform UK (DPUK) Clare led the development of imaging informatics infrastructure, to facilitate data management, sharing and processing for imaging data relevant to dementia research. 



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