Anxiety and Trauma (OxCADAT)
- Anxiety
- Clinical Practice
- Cognition & Information Processing
- Resilience
Created 3 NICE-recommended therapies
Funded by the Wellcome Trust and NIHR, part of the NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre
Prof. Anke Ehlers & Prof. David Clark
The Oxford Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma (OxCADAT) aims to improve the understanding and treatment of anxiety disorders. We currently focus on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia).
We work to improve understanding of the development and maintenance of anxiety disorders and stress-related disorders to develop more effective and efficient psychological therapies. Past successes of the Centre’s research team, which is led by Professor David M Clark and Professor Anke Ehlers, include developing specialised forms of cognitive therapy that are now recommended by NICE as first line treatments for panic disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder and social anxiety disorder. We are also working on making delivery of the treatments more efficient through blended therapy and digital delivery.
Pure genius with a real-world application - American Psychological Association Awards Committee
Our Centre works to improve the understanding and treatment of anxiety disorders. We currently focus on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia). We support a closely integrated programme of psychopathology studies, treatment development work and randomized controlled trials. We work closely with the Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma in London, founded by Professors Clark, Ehlers and Salkovskis in 2000.
Oxcadat Therapist resources website
If you would like to view our therapist resources, which include videos intended to aid therapists treating clients using the specialised cognitive therapies developed from our models of PTSD (Ehlers and Clark, 2000), social anxiety disorder (Clark and Wells, 1995), and panic disorder (Clark 1986, 1988) please visit the OxCADAT Resources website.
Recent article on IAPT
Realizing the Mass Public Benefit of Evidence Based Psychological Therapies: The IAPT Programme
Clark DM., (2018) Annu Rev Clin Psychol, 14, 159-183
Questionnaires developed by the oxcadat team
If you are interested in questionnaires developed by the team to assess cognitive processes in social anxiety disorder or PTSD, please visit the OxCADAT Resources website.
Research Projects
Advancing cognitive therapy for anxiety disorders and PTSD (Wellcome trust, Pls Ehlers and Clark)
Preventing PTSD, depression and associated physical health problems in emergency workers (MQ, PI Dr Wild)
SHAPE Recovery (COVID Research Response Fund, PI Dr Wild
- A digital approach to grief support and the treatment of post-loss mental health problems (Dr Kirsten Smith)
Professor Anke Ehlers receives the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS)’s 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award. This award is the highest honour given to someone who has made great lifetime contributions to the field of traumatic stress. Professor Ehlers attended the 38th Annual Meeting in Atlanta, USA in November where she gave a keynote talk on cognitive approaches to understanding and treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders.
- Congratulations to Dr Hannah Murray on being made an Honorary Fellow of the British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapy (BABCP). Hannah has been recognised for her distinguished service to the Association and the CBT community.
- Check out Dr Hannah Murray's book on working with complexity in PTSD Working with Complexity in PTSD: A Cognitive Therapy Approach, co-authored by Sharif El-Leithy. Find out more here and buy the book here
- Professor David M Clark received an award in November 2022 for his important contribution to the implementation of cognitive behaviour therapy by the Dutch Society for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
- How outcome monitoring helps services to improve the support they provide to their patients - Professor David M Clark (Psychological Professions Network Webinar, 19 November 2021)
- Using questionnaires to guide treatment improves outcomes - Dr Emma Warnock-Parkes (Psychological Professions Network Webinar, 19 November 2021)
- Dr Graham Thew discusses digital CBT with Dr Lucy Maddox on her podcast "Let's Talk About CBT"
- Traumatic Bereavement, an NHS England Webinar from 19th May 2020, is available on the OxCADAT Resources website
- Treating Social Anxiety Disorder Remotely with Cognitive Therapy for SAD, an NHS England Webinar from 5th May 2020, is available on the OxCADAT Resources website
- Treating PTSD remotely with Cognitive Therapy for PTSD, an NHS England Webinar from 21st April 2020, is available on the OxCADAT Resources website
- Dr Jennifer Wild was awarded a BRC Senior Research Fellowship
- Dr Kirsten Smith was awarded a MRC Clinical Scientist Fellowship
- Dr Graham Thew was appointed as Senior Academic Clinical Psychologist, partly funded by the Oxford Health NIHR BRC
- The Oxford University impacts video about the IAPT programme is now available to watch on YouTube.