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BACKGROUND: Moral injury can significantly negatively impact mental health, but currently no validated treatment for moral injury-related mental health difficulties exists in a UK context. This study aimed to examine whether the Restore and Rebuild (R&R) treatment was feasible to deliver, acceptable and well tolerated by UK military veterans with moral injury related mental health difficulties. METHOD: The R&R treatment was delivered to 20 patients who reported distress related to exposure to a morally injurious event(s) during military service. R&R is a 20-session psychotherapy with key themes of processing the event, self compassion, connecting with others and core values. Treatment was delivered online, weekly, one-to-one by a single therapist. Qualitative interviews with patients and the therapist who delivered R&R were conducted to explore acceptability and analysed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: Following treatment, patients experienced a significant reduction in symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, alcohol misuse and moral injury related distress. R&R was found to be well tolerated by patients and improved their perceived wellbeing. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide preliminary evidence that veterans struggling with moral injury related mental ill health can benefit from R&R treatment.

Original publication




Journal article


European journal of psychotraumatology

Publication Date

