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Relating mathematical abilities to numerical skills and executive functions in informal and formal schooling.

Journal article

Wongupparaj P. and Kadosh RC., (2022), BMC Psychol, 10

Personalized Brain Stimulation for Effective Neurointervention Across Participants

Journal article

van Bueren N. et al, (2021), PLoS Computational Biology

When randomisation is not good enough: Matching groups in intervention studies

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Sella F. et al, (2021), Psychonomic Bulletin and Review

The relation between parietal GABA concentration and numerical skills

Journal article

ZACHAROPOULOS G. et al, (2021), Scientific Reports

Primitive visual channels have a causal role in cognitive transfer.

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Saban W. et al, (2021), Sci Rep, 11

Letter to the editor: How some brain stimulation studies fail to evaluate blinding adequately.

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Fassi L. and Cohen Kadosh R., (2021), J Psychiatr Res, 137, 452 - 453

The cross-sectional interplay between neurochemical profile and brain connectivity

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COHEN KADOSH R. et al, (2021), Human Brain Mapping

The effect of transcranial random noise stimulation on cognitive training outcome in healthy aging

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Brambilla M. et al, (2021), Frontiers in Neurology

Effects of transcranial stimulation in developmental neurocognitive disorders: A critical appraisal

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Santosh FH. et al, (2020), Progress in Brain Research

The impact of a lack of mathematical education on brain development and future attainment

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ZACHAROPOULOS G. et al, (2020), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA

The impact of a lack of mathematical education on brain development and future attainment

Journal article

ZACHAROPOULOS G. et al, (2020), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA

Individual variation in alpha neurofeedback training efficacy predicts pain modulation

Journal article

COHEN KADOSH ROI. et al, (2020), NeuroImage: Clinical

Knowledge of wealth shapes social impressions.

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Sarkar A. et al, (2020), J Exp Psychol Appl

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