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Andrea Kusec

Postdoctoral Research Associate

My research focuses on the interaction of cognition and emotion in predicting mental health outcomes following stroke, traumatic brain injury, and other forms of acquired brain injury. I am currently working with Professor Nele Demeyere on the OX-CHRONIC project investigating long-term cognitive, emotional, and participation outcomes following stroke.

I completed my PhD at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at the University of Cambridge with Dr Tom Manly funded by the Gates Cambridge Trust. I developed and tested a novel intervention to improve mood and participation in adults with acquired brain injury in a randomised controlled trial, both remotely and in person.

Going forward, I am interested in elucidating how mental health difficulties develop following brain injury, and mitigating the effects of cognitive impairments in mental health intervention development. I use participatory and mixed-methods research to enhance the translational value of my projects and to ensure that all outcomes are centred in the experiences of those with brain injury.