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Prof. Kim Plunkett

Watch a short documentary about the exciting work being done in the Oxford BabyLab

Register Your Interest in the BabyLab

We study how infants learn to extract meaning from speech: How they learn to recognise words, learn new words and concepts, and identify how to use words to talk about and represent the world. Our studies involve age groups ranging from 6 months to 3 years. The Oxford University BabyLab was established in 1992, and is part of the Oxford Centre for Developmental Science. If you would like to register your interest in the BabyLab, click here.

Explore the babylab facilities

One of the first research facilities in the UK dedicated to infant research, we have recently moved to a new space, designed specifically to contain two state-of-the art remote eye trackers and our EEG system. Visit our reception and playrooms, or find out where we are.

investigate your child's vocabulary

Since 1998, we have collected vocabulary information from parents of  more than 5000 infants who participated in BabyLab studies. This first large-scale investigation into infants’ vocabulary development in the UK is currently the basis for several projects investigating the structure and dynamics of the infant lexicon, as well as predicting later literacy skillsTake a look at the Oxford CDI Tool and evaluate your own child's vocabulary development.

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Selected publications

Recent Research Grants

Infant Predictors of Learning to Read

Nuffield Foundation (2012-15)

BabyLab Downloads

Oxford CDI

185 KB, PDF document


13 MB, PDF document

Current Research Grants

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