Contact information
Research groups
Jason Freeman
VR Treatment Designer
I am a virtual reality treatment designer, working in the Oxford Cognitive Approaches to Psychosis (O-CAP) research group.
I have helped design several VR psychological therapies, including Phoenix (an intervention to improve self-confidence in young people with psychosis); gameChange; a treatment for height phobia; and a treatment for needle phobia in young people. I am currently working on a digital version of Feeling Safe, a ground-breaking psychological treatment for persecutory delusions produced by Daniel Freeman and the O-CAP team. The digital version, named Feeling Safer and funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research, is due to be trialled in 2024.
With Daniel Freeman, Mel Slater, Bernhard Spanlang, and Mavi Sánchez-Vives, I am a co-founder of Oxford VR, a spinout company from the University.
Also with Daniel Freeman, I have co-authored a number of popular science books on mental health issues.
Recent publications
Automated VR therapy for improving positive self-beliefs and psychological well-being in young patients with psychosis: a proof of concept evaluation of Phoenix VR self-confidence therapy.
Journal article
Freeman D. et al, (2024), Behav Cogn Psychother, 52, 277 - 287
Randomised controlled trial of automated VR therapy to improve positive self-beliefs and psychological well-being in young people diagnosed with psychosis: a study protocol for the Phoenix VR self-confidence therapy trial.
Journal article
Freeman D. et al, (2023), BMJ Open, 13
The Oxford Positive Self Scale: psychometric development of an assessment of cognitions associated with psychological well-being.
Journal article
Freeman D. et al, (2023), Psychol Med, 53, 7161 - 7169
Virtual reality (VR) therapy for patients with psychosis: satisfaction and side effects.
Journal article
Freeman D. et al, (2023), Psychol Med, 53, 4373 - 4384
The Oxford Positive Self Scale: psychometric development of an assessment of cognitions associated with psychological well-being
Journal article
FREEMAN D. et al, (2023), Psychological Medicine