Nicola Dawson
Career Development Research Fellow
Realising Potential: Developmental Psychology and Educational Achievement
Research Summary
My research broadly focuses on typical and atypical language and literacy development across childhood and adolescence. I am particularly interested in adolescent learning, and how skills underpinning reading and oral language development continue to develop during this period. My work combines experimental and corpus linguistic methods to examine the nature of written language experience, how this changes across development, and how this shapes learning and emotional wellbeing.
I also work as a research speech and language therapist at the Research & Training Institute at Moor House School & College, where I conduct research to develop and trial intervention approaches to support language learning and educational achievement in children and adolescents with language disorders. I am currently leading on two projects examining the impact of vocabulary intervention and strategies to support language comprehension in maths.
I am affiliated with the ReadOxford research group.
Recent publications
The Effectiveness of Individualized Morphosyntactic Target Identification and Explicit Intervention Using the SHAPE CODING System for Children With Developmental Language Disorder and the Impact of Within-Session Dosage.
Ebbels SH. et al, (2024), Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch, 1 - 35
A corpus-based developmental investigation of linguistic complexity in children's writing
Hsiao Y. et al, (2024), Applied Corpus Linguistics, 4
The Emotional Content of Children’s Writing: A Data-Driven Approach
Dong Y. et al, (2024), Cognitive Science
Effects of target age and genre on morphological complexity in children's reading material
DAWSON N. et al, (2023), Scientific Studies of Reading
‘Book language’ and its implications for children’s language, literacy, and development
NATION K. et al, (2022), Current Directions in Psychological Science