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Maryanne Martin

MA DPhil

Emeritus Professor of Abnormal Psychology

Individual differences, chronic illness, anxiety, economic decision making, cognitive processing, and handedness.

My research aims to increase our understanding of cognitive and emotional processes, and in particular of the ways in which the two areas interact. This focus has been explored within the field of Health Psychology, especially with regard to aspects of chronic illness (for example, within the contexts of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and of Asthma), and may bear on differences among individuals in their resilience to the effects of illness. A similar approach has been adopted in exploring fields such as choice among objects, laterality and economic decision-making.

Our latest project is a cross-cultural study of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME, conducted in conjunction with the University of Leiden. We are investigating similarities and differences across a range of countries (including the UK, Netherlands, Portugal, France, Italy, Romania and Canada), seeking to deepen our understanding of key factors and thereby inform potential treatments.