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We have demonstrated a disposable microfabricated fluorescence-activated cell sorter (microFACS) for sorting various biological entities. Compared with conventional FACS machines, the microFACS provides higher sensitivity, no cross-contamination, and lower cost. We have used microFACS chips to obtain substantial enrichment of micron-sized fluorescent bead populations of differing colors. Furthermore, we have separated Escherichia coli cells expressing green fluorescent protein from a background of nonfluorescent E. coli cells and shown that the bacteria are viable after extraction from the sorting device. These sorters can function as stand-alone devices or as components of an integrated microanalytical chip.

Original publication




Journal article


Nat Biotechnol

Publication Date





1109 - 1111


Escherichia coli, Flow Cytometry, Green Fluorescent Proteins, Luminescent Proteins, Silicones