Visually evoked gamma responses in the human brain are enhanced during voluntary hyperventilation.
Jensen O., Hari R., Kaila K.
Hypocapnia induced by hyperventilation (HV) has powerful effects on neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission. We have studied the effect of hyperventilation on the phase-locked oscillatory components of the evoked responses in the human brain. We recorded visually evoked magnetoencephalographic responses before, during, and after voluntary hyperventilation to pattern-reversal checkerboard stimuli. Gamma-band (30-45 Hz) responses phase-locked to the stimuli were generated in the occipital visual cortex. A wavelet-based time-frequency analysis revealed that the gamma responses increased during HV whereas their frequency did not change significantly. A recent in vitro study in the rat hippocampus demonstrated that the stability of spontaneous gamma activity increases during hypocapnia as a result of enhanced GABAergic transmission. To test if a similar mechanism could account for our findings, we performed simulations on a network of 100 Hodgkin-Huxley neurons connected by inhibitory synapses. We found that enhanced GABA(A) transmission, paired with enhanced excitability, can explain the increase in evoked gamma activity without changing the frequency.