Variations in the demographic structure and dynamics of gelada baboon populations
Ohsawa H., Dunbar RIM.
A comparative analysis of demographic variables for three populations of gelada baboons (Theropithecus gelada) showed that these were determined by a combination of environmental, demographic and social factors interacting in complex ways. Both birth rates and survivorship were found to be adversely influenced by the severity of local climatic conditions. These independently influenced adult sex ratio, which in turn determined the proportion of multimale reproductive units in the population. Mean harem size was found to be independent of all environmental and demographic factors with the sole exception of the proportion of harem-holding males, suggesting that it is mainly a consequence of social factors related to harem fission rates. Migration rates and band fission rates were related to population growth rates, these in turn being determined largely by local mortality and birth rates. © 1984 Springer-Verlag.