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Alexithymia may explain the genetic relationship between autism and sensory sensitivity

Journal article

Yorke I. et al, (2024), Translational Psychiatry

EXPRESS: How stable are taste-shape crossmodal correspondences over time?

Journal article

Tabassum F. et al, (2024), Q J Exp Psychol (Hove)

The Dialectical Relationship Between Burnout and Work Engagement: A Network Approach

Journal article

Hafstad MD. et al, (2024), Stress and Health

Perspective: The foundations, fortunes and future of cognitive control research

Journal article

YEUNG N., (2024), Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance

Assortative mating and the dark triad: Evidence from the UK, Fiji, and meta-analytic review

Journal article

Richards G. et al, (2024), Personality and Individual Differences, 231

Network analysis: An overview for mental health research

Journal article

Briganti G. et al, (2024), International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 33

Sudden gains in internet cognitive therapy for social anxiety disorder in routine clinical practice

Journal article

Yim SH. et al, (2024), Internet Interventions, 38

Supporting movement and physical activity in people with psychosis: A qualitative exploration of the carer perspective.

Journal article

Diamond R. et al, (2024), Int J Soc Psychiatry, 70, 1525 - 1532

Enhancing your delivery of Cognitive Therapy for PTSD: A celebration of the work of Hannah Murray

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THEW G. et al, (2024), Cognitive Behaviour Therapist

Neurology: A Queen Square Textbook

Journal article

Husain M., (2024), Brain

Writing in creole contexts: A study of Jamaican primary school students

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Tucker S-K. et al, (2024), Reading Research Quarterly

Social risk coding by amygdala activity and connectivity with dorsal anterior cingulate cortex

Journal article

Kim J-C. et al, (2024), The Journal of Neuroscience, e1149242024 - e1149242024

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