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Automatic processing of emotional images and psychopathic personality traits

Journal article

Snowden RJ. et al, (2022), Cognition and Emotion, 1 - 15

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depression among Frontline Healthcare Staff working during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Journal article

WILD J. et al, (2021), British Journal of Clinical Psychology

Enhanced emotional response to both negative and positive images in post-traumatic stress disorder: Evidence from pupillometry

Journal article

Mckinnon AI. et al, (2020), Biological Psychology, 154, 107922 - 107922

Sexual Attraction to Both Genders in Ambiphilic Men: Evidence from Implicit Cognitions

Journal article

Snowden RJ. et al, (2020), Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49, 503 - 515

Pupillary Responses to Static Images of Men and Women: A Possible Measure of Sexual Interest?

Journal article

Snowden RJ. et al, (2019), The Journal of Sex Research, 56, 74 - 84

The development of a collaborative framework for commissioning health and social care

Journal article

Nelson KM. et al, (2018), Journal of Integrated Care, 26, 286 - 295