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From Loss to Disorder: The Influence of Maladaptive Coping on Prolonged Grief

Journal article

SMITH K. et al, (2024), Psychiatry Research

The future of psychological treatments: The Marburg Declaration.

Journal article

Rief W. et al, (2024), Clin Psychol Rev, 110

Cognitive Therapy for PTSD Following Birth Trauma and Baby Loss: Clinical Considerations

Journal article

Kerr A. et al, (2023), The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist

Development and Validation of the Bullied Cognitions Inventory (BCI)

Journal article

Graham B. and Ehlers A., (2023), Cognitive Therapy and Research

External locus of control but not self-esteem predicts increasing social anxiety among bullied children

Journal article

Graham B. et al, (2022), Clinical Psychology in Europe, 4

Cognitive Therapy for PTSD: Updating Memories and Meanings of Trauma


EHLERS A. and WILD J., (2022), Evidence Based Treatments for Trauma-Related Psychological Disorders., 181 - 210

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