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Facial regulation during dyadic interaction: Interpersonal effects on cooperation

Journal article

SHORE D. et al, (2023), Affective Science

How Expression and Context Determine Second-person Judgments of Emotion

Conference paper

Hoegen J. et al, (2023), 2023 11th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ACII 2023

The psychosocial impact of facial palsy: A systematic review.

Journal article

Hotton M. et al, (2020), Br J Health Psychol

Interpersonal effects of strategic and spontaneous guilt communication in trust games.

Journal article

Shore DM. and Parkinson B., (2017), Cogn Emot, 1 - 9

Neural responses to partner rejection predict adrenocortical reactivity in adolescent romantic couples.

Conference paper

Ha T. et al, (2015), Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61

Do social utility judgments influence attentional processing?

Journal article

Shore DM. and Heerey EA., (2013), Cognition, 129, 114 - 122

Appetitive motivational deficits in individuals with Parkinson's Disease

Journal article

Shore DM. et al, (2011), Movement Disorders, 26, 1887 - 1892

Cognitive processing of social value


Shore DM. and Heerey EA., (2011)

The value of genuine and polite smiles.

Journal article

Shore DM. and Heerey EA., (2011), Emotion, 11, 169 - 174