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Heightened interoception in adults with fibromyalgia.

Journal article

Todd J. et al, (2024), Biol Psychol, 186

App Characteristics and Accuracy Metrics of Available Digital Biomarkers for Autism: Scoping Review.

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Ponzo S. et al, (2023), JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 11

Measuring interoception: The phase adjustment task.

Journal article

Plans D. et al, (2021), Biol Psychol, 165

Measuring Interoception: The CARdiac Elevation Detection Task

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Ponzo S. et al, (2021), Frontiers in Psychology, 12

Deep learning with wearable based heart rate variability for prediction of mental and general health

Journal article

Coutts LV. et al, (2020), Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 112

Measuring Interoception: The Phase Adjustment Task


Plans D. et al, (2020)

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