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The #longcovid revolution: A reflexive thematic analysis

Journal article

Turner M. et al, (2023), Social Science & Medicine, 333, 116130 - 116130

What is underneath all that stuff? A Q-methodological exploration of profiles of beliefs and vulnerabilities in hoarding disorder

Journal article

Tinlin RM. et al, (2022), Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 50, 538 - 555

Six attachment discourses: convergence, divergence and relay

Journal article

Duschinsky R. et al, (2021), Attachment & Human Development, 23, 355 - 374

Comorbidity of obsessive-compulsive and psychotic experiences: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal article

Mawn L. et al, (2020), Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 26

Attachment difficulties and disorders

Journal article

Turner M. et al, (2019), InnovAiT: Education and inspiration for general practice, 12, 173 - 179

The handbook of attachment-based interventions

Journal article


John Bowlby and contemporary issues of clinical diagnosis

Journal article

Barnes GL. et al, (2018), Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, 12

Personality disorder prevalence in psychiatric outpatients: A systematic literature review

Journal article

Beckwith H. et al, (2014), Personality and Mental Health, 8, 91 - 101