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Autonomic central coupling during daytime sleep differs between older and younger people

Journal article

Chen P-C. et al, (2022), Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 193, 107646 - 107646

Understanding the roles of central and autonomic activity during sleep in the improvement of working memory and episodic memory

Journal article

Chen P-C. et al, (2022), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, e2123417119 - e2123417119

Age-related losses in cardiac autonomic activity during a daytime nap

Journal article

Chen P-C. et al, (2021), Psychophysiology, 58, e13701 - e13701

Competitive dynamics underlie cognitive improvements during sleep

Journal article

Chen P-C. et al, (2021), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2109339118 - e2109339118

Pediatric melanoma in the Hispanic population: An analysis of institutional and national data

Journal article

Kim DJ. et al, (2021), Pediatric Dermatology, 38, 1102 - 1110

Autonomic Activity during a Daytime Nap Facilitates Working Memory Improvement.

Journal article

Chen P-C. et al, (2020), J Cogn Neurosci, 32, 1963 - 1974

Autonomic/central coupling benefits working memory in healthy young adults

Journal article

Chen P-C. et al, (2020), Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 173, 107267 - 107267

New directions in sleep and memory research: the role of autonomic activity

Journal article

Whitehurst LN. et al, (2020), Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 33, 17 - 24