How many surfaces can you distinguish by color? Real environmental lighting increases discriminability of surface colors
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Color and gloss constancy under diverse lighting environments
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Task-dependent extraction of information from videos of iridescent and glossy samples
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Modeling surface color discrimination under different lighting environments using image chromatic statistics and convolutional neural networks.
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Invariant categorical color regions across illuminant change coincide with focal colors
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Modelling surface color discrimination under different lighting environments using image chromatic statistics and convolutional neural networks
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Spectral measurement of daylights and surface properties of natural objects in Japan
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Luminosity thresholds of colored surfaces are determined by their upper-limit luminances internalized in the visual system
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Beyond colour gamuts: Novel metrics for the reproduction of photoreceptor signals
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Explaining #theShoe based on the optimal color hypothesis: The role of chromaticity vs. luminance distribution in an ambiguous image
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Understanding individual differences in color appearance of “#TheDress” based on the optimal color hypothesis
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Dichoptic perception of brown
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