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Reversing the Colavita visual dominance effect.

Journal article

Ngo MK. et al, (2011), Exp Brain Res, 214, 607 - 618

Assessing the shapes and speech sounds that people associate with chocolate samples varying in cocoa content

Journal article

Ngo MK. et al, (2011), Food Quality and Preference, 22, 567 - 572

Crossmodal associations between flavoured milk solutions and musical notes.

Journal article

Crisinel A-S. and Spence C., (2011), Acta Psychol (Amst), 138, 155 - 161

Implicit processing of tactile information: evidence from the tactile change detection paradigm.

Journal article

Pritchett D. et al, (2011), Conscious Cogn, 20, 534 - 546

Tactile aesthetics: Towards a definition of its characteristics and neural correlates

Journal article

Gallace A. and Spence C., (2011), Social Semiotics, 21, 569 - 589

Assessing the role of visual and auditory cues in multisensory perception of flavor


(2011), The Neural Bases of Multisensory Processes, 739 - 757

The Colavita visual dominance effect


(2011), The Neural Bases of Multisensory Processes, 529 - 556

Juggling reveals a decisional component to tactile suppression.

Journal article

Juravle G. and Spence C., (2011), Exp Brain Res, 213, 87 - 97

When seeing doesn't matter: assessing the after-effects of tactile distractor processing in the blind and the sighted.

Journal article

Frings C. et al, (2011), J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 37, 1174 - 1181

To what extent do Gestalt grouping principles influence tactile perception?

Journal article

Gallace A. and Spence C., (2011), Psychol Bull, 137, 538 - 561

Audiotactile interactions in temporal perception.

Journal article

Occelli V. et al, (2011), Psychon Bull Rev, 18, 429 - 454

Crossmodal correspondences: a tutorial review.

Journal article

Spence C., (2011), Atten Percept Psychophys, 73, 971 - 995

Tactile short-term memory for stimuli presented on the fingertips and across the rest of the body surface.

Journal article

Auvray M. et al, (2011), Atten Percept Psychophys, 73, 1227 - 1241

Mouth-Watering: The Influence Of Environmental And Cognitive Factors On Salivation And Gustatory/Flavor Perception

Journal article

Spence C., (2011), Journal of Texture Studies, 42, 157 - 171

Tasting shapes and words

Journal article

Spence C. and Gallace A., (2011), Food Quality and Preference, 22, 290 - 295

Multisensory design: Reaching out to touch the consumer

Journal article

Spence C. and Gallace A., (2011), Psychology and Marketing, 28, 267 - 308

Tactile recalibration of auditory spatial representations.

Journal article

Bruns P. et al, (2011), Exp Brain Res, 209, 333 - 344

Increased perceptual and conceptual processing difficulty makes the immeasurable measurable: negative priming in the absence of probe distractors.

Journal article

Frings C. and Spence C., (2011), J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 37, 72 - 84

Audiotactile interactions in front and rear space.

Journal article

Occelli V. et al, (2011), Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 35, 589 - 598

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