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How does orthographic learning happen?


Castles A. and Nation K., (2006), From Inkmarks to Ideas: Current Issues in Lexical Processing, 151 - 179

Human cone light adaptation: from behavioral measurements to molecular mechanisms.

Journal article

Stockman A. et al, (2006), J Vis, 6, 1194 - 1213

Seeing or doing? Influence of visual and motor familiarity in action observation.

Journal article

Calvo-Merino B. et al, (2006), Curr Biol, 16, 1905 - 1910

An experimental study on fear of public speaking using a virtual environment.

Journal article

Slater M. et al, (2006), Cyberpsychol Behav, 9, 627 - 633

Beyond words: Phonological short-term memory and syntactic impairment in specific language impairment

Journal article

Bishop DVM., (2006), APPLIED PSYCHOLINGUISTICS, 27, 545 - 547

Bottom-up, not top-down, modulation of imitation by human and robotic models.

Journal article

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Connection patterns distinguish 3 regions of human parietal cortex.

Journal article

Rushworth MFS. et al, (2006), Cereb Cortex, 16, 1418 - 1430

Crossmodal associations and interactions between olfaction and vision

Conference paper

Dematte ML. et al, (2006), CHEM SENSES, 31, E50 - E51

Effect of attentional state on frequency discrimination: a comparison of children with ADHD on and off medication.

Journal article

Sutcliffe PA. et al, (2006), J Speech Lang Hear Res, 49, 1072 - 1084

Multisensory synesthetic interactions in the speeded classification of visual size.

Journal article

Gallace A. and Spence C., (2006), Percept Psychophys, 68, 1191 - 1203

Neurobiology of decision making

Journal article

Funahashi S. et al, (2006), NEURAL NETWORKS, 19, 977 - 979

Nonword repetition and language learning disorders: A developmental contingency framework

Journal article

Snowling MJ., (2006), Applied Psycholinguistics, 27, 588 - 591

Observational assessment of surgical teamwork: a feasibility study.

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Patterns of reading ability in children with autism spectrum disorder.

Journal article

Nation K. et al, (2006), J Autism Dev Disord, 36, 911 - 919

Phonological short-term memory and syntactic impairment in specific language impairment

Journal article

Bishop DVM., (2006), Applied Psycholinguistics, 27, 545 - 547

Reduced heart rate responding to trauma reliving in trauma survivors with PTSD: correlates and consequences.

Journal article

Halligan SL. et al, (2006), J Trauma Stress, 19, 721 - 734

The complexity of measuring interprofessional teamwork in the operating theatre.

Journal article

Healey AN. et al, (2006), J Interprof Care, 20, 485 - 495

The human face of simulation: patient-focused simulation training.

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Kneebone R. et al, (2006), Acad Med, 81, 919 - 924

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