Current Ongoing Research
- The genetics of human sociality
- Modelling kinship as an integrating mechanism in social networks
- Role of humour in social bonding
- PET scan study of endorphin activation in response to light touch
- Dance and the role of endorphins in group cohesion
- Mechanisms of pairbonding
- Social functions of language
- Laughter and play in wild bonobos
- Evolution of sociality in Middle & Upper Palaeolithic
- Interpersonal violence in Viking Age Iceland
- Role of mentalising in appreciation of fiction
- Audience engagement in drama
- Gender differences in close friendships
- Structure and dynamics of large scale social networks
- Impact of digital media on networks
- Comparative analyses of brain evolution
- Singing, well-being and group cohesion
- Links between genetic variation and how people think and act in social situations
- Mathematical models of how hunter-gatherers maintain their social network
- Shared community and social closeness
- Music and social bonding
- Geleda social network structure