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Professor Gaia Scerif was awarded a 2015 British Academy Engagement Award for the engagement project entitled "Developmental Science Grows Up: Nurturing Impact." These British Academy awards are "intended to enable established early career scholars to [...] enhance their own skills and career development through the organisation of events, training, and mentoring activities for a wide range of other early career researchers." In Gaia's case, the award is going to support the organisation of four events for early career researchers in developmental science over 2014 and 2015. The central idea is that developmental science is a discipline rife with potential for impact, but for early career researchers it is difficult to: 1) identify what the different impact routes are within the discipline; 2) plan short-term and long-term ways of translating findings into impact. Gaia, in collaboration with Brianna Doherty and Rebecca Merkley, will try and help. Watch this space ( for announcements on specific dates for events.