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Collaborations - New and Just Concluded

These are our current and just concluded collaborative projects. See also collaborations with independent early career researchers elsewhere on this site (Amina Abubakar, Karla Holmboe, Cathy Manning). 


This project (2015-2017) aims to develop tools to assess cognitive functioning in children and adolescents with developmental disorders of identified genetic aetiology.

Lead researchers

Dr Duncan Astle (Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge) and Kate Baker (Medical Genetics, Cambridge) lead in Cambridge with Sinead O'Brien, with Gaia Scerif and Elise Ng-Cordell as the Oxford team.

Funded by

Newlife Foundation

2. Attending to Learn, learning to attend

This project (2012-2015) investigated the neurocognitive correlates of attention / learning interactions. You can read more about this project here. It has now extended to a long term collaboration with Rachel Wu.

Lead Researchers

The lead researcher was Rachel Wu (PI, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Rochester University, USA, now PI at the University of California, Riverside), with R Aslin (Rochester) & C Yu (Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana) and Gaia Scerif as mentors. 

Funded by

Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) for Individual Postdoctoral Fellows to Rachel Wu. This collaboration continues...

3. Sex Chromosomal Trisomies and Disclousure

This project (2012-2014) was motivated by our earlier work on children with an extra sex chromosome. Can we help parents disclose a diagnosis to their children using materials that will be accessible to them. It was lead by OSCCI and OSCCI are continuing this work as a longer term study on SCTs.

Lead Researchers

The project was lead by Prof Dorothy Bishop (PI) with, as Co-Is, Gaia Scerif, Karen Melham, Prisca Middlemiss, Debbie Shears and Diana Wellesley and Nikki Gratton as the lead research assistant.

Funded by

The Nuffield Foundation

4. Treatment of mothers with postnatal depression to improve child outcomes

This project (2010-2015) aimed to improve childhood outcomes after post-natal depression.

Lead researchers

Professor Alan Stein (Department of Psychiatry, Oxford) led this project with his team, with G Scerif as collaborator.

Funded by

The Wellcome Trust