Our Department is delighted to announce the successful renewal of its Athena SWAN Silver Award, recognising our efforts to support gender equality in research and education. Experimental Psychology was one of the first in Oxford to receive a Bronze award in 2012 and was awarded Silver in 2015.
In the introduction to the report, Kia Nobre, Head of Department, said, "Our department has been through an extraordinary journey since our Silver Award (2015), with two unexpected transformative setbacks … in addition to the recent pandemic. We feel fortunate to have firmly embedded the values of the Athena SWAN charter early on into our department. These were essential for getting us through such difficult times as a community and maintaining our profile in research and teaching."
She added, "Looking ahead, we recognise potential for improvement across multiple areas… We look forward to building on the strong foundation the Athena SWAN charter has helped us build, hoping the coming years will be more tranquil and allow us to implement our exciting action plan aimed at supporting, promoting, and celebrating the careers of women and other minority groups in our department."
Special thank you to Kate Watkins (Athena Swan Lead), Tracy Tompkins, Nicola Bridge (now at Rhodes House),
and all active members of the Self-Assessment Team who helped pull together our application.