Research groups
Athena Chow
DPhil Candidate
- Leverhulme Scholar
DPhil Research
My DPhil work focuses on using data from longitudinal birth cohort studies to conceptualise adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) under the dimensions of threat and deprivation. Specifically, I am investigating how neurobiological mechanisms and protective factors interact to influence the impact of ACEs on risk for psychopathology, with a particular focus on children’s emotion regulation and executive function as the underlying mechanisms. My current doctoral work forms part of the Moving Beyond Inequality programme funded by the Leverhulme Trust, which aims to reduce social inequalities by addressing the biological embedding of social adversity during the early years.
I am supervised by Professor Lucy Bowes and Professor Jane Barlow.
Recent publications
Do meaningful dimensions of childhood adversity exist? Data-driven evidence from two prospective cohort studies.
Chow ARW. et al, (2024), J Child Psychol Psychiatry
Improving the Way that We Conceptualise Adverse Childhood Experiences - A Commentary on Sisitsky et al. (2023).
Baldwin JR. et al, (2023), Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol
Early risk factors for joint trajectories of bullying victimisation and perpetration
Chow ARW. et al, (2022), European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry