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Tsvetomira Dumbalska

BA (Hons), MSc, DPhil

Postdoctoral Researcher

  • Human Information Processing (Summerfield Lab)

Research Summary

How does the structure of information affect how we learn about the world and make decisions? My research uses behavioral experiments to chart the influence the informational landscape wields on human behavior. I combine these empirical data with computational models simulating the  information processing mechanisms underlying learning and choice.

Teaching & Supervision

I am a stipendiary lecturer in psychology at Brasenose where I teach first and second-year undergraduate students in Experimental Psychology and Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics. Previously, I have supervised final year research project, research internships and coordinated the visiting student program at Pembroke College. I have led tutorials in perception, cognition, statistics and visual neuroscience. Outside of psychology, I have served as a teaching assistant in applied programming classes and in final year undergraduate economics courses.

Recent publications

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Open Science

I am a Reproducible Research Oxford Fellow and co-lead an interdisciplinary reading group focused on the promotion of diversity and equality in computational and quantitative fields.