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Supporting our research


James S. McDonnell Foundation (2012 Scholar Award, 2012-2018): “Effects of attention disorders on developing cognition: Mechanisms and plasticity”, Program Director: G Scerif, USD 600,000

Nuffield Foundation (Project Grant, 2016-2019): “Cognitive and Educational Foundations of Preschool Mathematics: (not) as easy as 1, 2, 3”, £ 241,444

British Academy (Skills Innovator Award, 2016-2017, with Brianna Doherty): “Big Data in Developmental Science: Training Tools”, £14,975  

British Academy (British Academy Engagement Award, 2015-2017, with Brianna Doherty): "Developmental Science Grows Up: Nurturing Impact." £17,784

Past Oxford Based Projects

Oxford McGill Neuroscience Collaboration (Joint Pump Priming Fund, 2012-2014): “Defining syndrome-specific mechanisms mediating socially‐contingent perception and attention across neurodevelopmental disorders”, £16,400 G Scerif Oxford PI with Nobre (Oxford), Bertone and Burack (McGill University Canada)

Nuffield Foundation (Project Grant, 2012-2014): “Development of materials to help families explain to their child about a sex chromosome abnormality”, D Bishop (PI, Experimental Psychology, Oxford), with Co-Is: G Scerif, K Melham, P Middlemiss, D Shears, D Wellesley, £102,470

Wellcome Trust (Programme Grant, 2010-2015): “Treatment for mothers with postnatal depression to improve child outcome: Efficacy RCT and mechanisms of action”, PI: A Stein (Psychiatry, Oxford), with G Scerif as collaborator, £1,450,000

Wellcome Trust (Project Grant, 2007-2011): “Developmental trajectories of unimodal and cross‐modal attention deficits: The case of fragile x syndrome”, PI: G Scerif, with KM Cornish and A Karmiloff‐Smith, £ 341,196

Newlife Foundation (Project Grant, 2007-2009): “Cognitive and behavioural outcomes of children with an extra sex chromosome”, PI: G Scerif, with DVM Bishop, K Nation, P Jacobs, A Barnicoat, P Boyd, K Metcalfe, K Lachlan, S Smithson and D Wellesley, £ 78,124

Oxford University Press (John Fell OUP Research Fund, 2007-2010): “Developmental cognitive neuroscience of attention: Bridging cognitive development and genetics through systems neuroscience.” PI: G Scerif, £84,779

Mentorship Funds

2012-2015       Mentor, Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) for Individual Postdoctoral Fellows for R Wu (Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Rochester University, USA), with R Aslin (Rochester) & C Yu (Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana), USD 148,518

2007-2010       Primary supervisor, Economic and Social Research Council Collaborative CASE DPhil Studentship (in partnership with the William Syndrome Foundation, Down Educational Trust) for A Steele, with KM Cornish (Psychology & Psychiatry, Monash, Australia) and A Karmiloff‐Smith (Psychology, Birkbeck, University of London), £60,000

2008-2009       Mentor, ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF) for D Astle (now MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge), £101,252 

2008                Experimental Psychology Society (Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Workshop Grant) and British Council (UK-Netherlands Partnership Programme in Science), with L. Cragg (Psychology, Nottingham), £6,250

2004 -             Multiple Undergraduate Training Scholarships (Nuffield Foundation, Wellcome Trust, National Fragile X Foundation USA, Il Circolo-Italian Embassy)