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Photo of Sage and Dejan accepting the Project Award. Sage is shaking the hand of the man giving out the award.

At a ceremony at St Catherine's College, Sage Boettcher and Dejan Draschkow were presented with awards as part of the Medical Sciences Division's 2021 Teaching Excellence Awards SchemeThese awards formally recognise the excellent contributions to teaching and/or supervision made by individual members of the Collegiate University (Oxford) and NHS staff within the Division who are within the first five years of their career as a University/NHS teacher.

Both Sage and Dejan were presented with a Project Award for their excellent work organising the Department's first ever Undergraduate Hackathon. The event, which took place at St Johns College last April was created for the entire cohort of undergraduate students in Experimental Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics. It was made possible thanks to the generous support of MSD's Teaching Excellence Award scheme and St John's College who supported it from their Teaching Innovation fund. Find out more. 

DPhil Sage Boettcher - Career Development Research FellowSage said, "It was great to be able to receive this award and use it towards the Undergraduate Hackathon. The event was incredibly fun and — as is often the case — I was left in awe of our brilliant students. We had a fantastic set of demonstrators (Daniela Gresch, Irene Echeverria Altuna, and Verena Klar) and the event would not have been possible without them and many others who helped to contribute to the day."


Dejan, who additionally received the Early Career Excellent Teacher Award, said, "Teaching is a big part of my life and receiving such an acknowledgment feels really personal. Investing time into teaching is extremely rewarding with such inspiring and brilliant students. I hope I can continue not to stand in the way while these students accomplish mind-bending things. My hope is to be able to pay forward all the inspiring teaching and mentorship that I have received in my life. That's going to take a while..."