Immersions Behaviour Questionnaire – Exceptional Experiences (IBQ-EE)
A printable PDF version of Immersions Behaviour Questionnaire – Exceptional Experiences (IBQ-EE) is available for download and use.
Isham L, Sheng Loe B, Hicks A, Wilson N, Bentall R P, Freeman D, The Difficulties of Grandiose Delusions: Harms, Challenges, and Implications for Treatment Engagement, Schizophrenia Bulletin, Volume 49, Issue 5, September 2023, Pages 1194–1204
Add together all 22 items to get an immersion behaviours total score.
Immersions Behaviour Questionnaire – Exceptional Experiences (IBQ-EE)
The following items concern your actions and behaviours in relation to your exceptional abilities, identity, role, mission, or wealth. Please answer questions on a scale of 0 to 4, where 0=not at all and 4 = all of the time. All questions refer to the last month.
In relation to the last month how often have you:
B1: Used your special abilities, identity, or wealth, or carried out your special role or mission.
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B2: Acted in relation to your special abilities/identity/role/mission/wealth in a public place.
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B3: Acted in relation to your special abilities/identity/role/mission/wealth in private.
(E.g., at home or another private space where others are unlikely to see you.)
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B4: Dressed in a particular way to fit with your special abilities/identity/role/mission/wealth.
(E.g., wearing a special robe to perform religious actions; going out in disguise to stay undercover on a mission; wearing particular clothes or items (such as a crown) that fit with your special identity etc.)
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B5: Directly approached or interacted with strangers or people you do not know well in the context of your special abilities/identity/role/mission /wealth.
(E.g., to tell them something important; using your powers to heal others in person; apprehending or following suspects in relation to your mission; contacting famous people etc.)
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B6: Directly approached or interacted with friends, family members, or others you know well in the context of your special abilities/identity/role/mission/wealth.
(E.g., to talk to them about your special abilities/identity/role/mission/wealth; to try to help or save them; to warn them about something important etc.)0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B7: Stopped doing, or reduced, your usual activities to focus on your special abilities/identity/role/mission/wealth.
(E.g., reduced or stopped going to work, engaging in hobbies, social life etc.)
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B8: Withdrawn from others to explore, understand, or immerse yourself in your special abilities/identity/role/mission/wealth.
(E.g., not leaving the house; staying away from others you live with so that you can focus your attention on this.)
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B9: Spent time collecting things to use in relation to your special abilities/identity/role/mission/wealth.
(E.g., collecting religious objects or books; special tools etc.)
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B10: Spent time researching or finding out information that relates to your special abilities/identity/role/mission/wealth.
(This could include looking things up online, reading books/papers, or gathering information in any other way)
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B11: Put information about your special abilities/identity/role/mission/wealth on social media.
(E.g., this could include any social media platform such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.)
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B12: Spent time keeping a record or making notes or information that relates to your special abilities/identity/role/mission/wealth.
(E.g., making written records, diaries, videos, or taking photographs that relate to your special abilities/identity/role/mission/wealth.)
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B13: Used your abilities/powers to try to heal or bless someone or perform other religious acts (e.g., preaching).
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B14: Tried to get into contact with famous, important, or powerful people.
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B15: Gone on an undercover mission.
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B16: Had (or tried to have) a sexual relationship with strangers who have an important role in relation to your special abilities/identity/role/mission/ wealth.
(E.g., this could include being intimate with a stranger who you thought was involved in the same mission as you).
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B17: Used your special intelligence to solve a highly complex problem.
(E.g., in science, mathematics, music, literature etc.)
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B18: Performed royal duties or acts.
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B19: Engaged in a spiritual battle (e.g., with good or evil forces).
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B20: Used your special abilities to try to save or help others/the world.
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B21: Tried to teach or educate others.
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time
B22: Spent a lot of your money (or a lot more than usual) on an important project, idea, or cause.
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally
2 Some of the time
3 Much of the time
4 All of the time