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A printable PDF version of Thinking about Exceptional Experiences Questionnaire (TEEQ) is available for download and use.

Isham L, Sheng Loe B, Hicks A, Wilson N, Bentall R P, Freeman D, The Difficulties of Grandiose Delusions: Harms, Challenges, and Implications for Treatment Engagement, Schizophrenia Bulletin, Volume 49, Issue 5, September 2023, Pages 1194–1204


Add together the items below to obtain subscale scores:

Thinking a lot – items 1, 2, 3, 4

Thinking about Exceptional Experiences Questionnaire (TEEQ)

The following items concern your thoughts and feelings about your experiences of feeling exceptional. Please circle the number that best describes your experiences over the last two weeks.


In relation to my exceptional abilities/identity/role/mission/wealth:

1: I've been thinking about it a lot.

0   Not at all

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

2: It feels important to think about it a lot.

0   Not at all

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

3: Anything and everything has set my mind to thinking about it.

0   Not at all

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

4: Images (or pictures) associated with it have come into my mind.

0   Not at all

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

5: It has been hard to think about anything else.

0   Not at all

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

6: Thinking about it has stopped me sleeping.

0   Not at all

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

7: Thoughts about it are hard to control.

0   Not at all

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time