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A printable PDF version of The Dunn Worry Questionnaire (DWQ) is available for download and use.

Freeman D, Bird JC, Loe BS, Kingdon D, Startup H, Clark DM, Ehlers A, Černis E, Wingham G, Evans N, Lister R, Pugh K, Cordwell J, Dunn G. (2020). The Dunn Worry Questionnaire and the Paranoia Worries Questionnaire: new assessments of worry. Psychological Medicine, 50(5), 771-780. 


A total worry score is obtained by adding together all 10 items. A score of 21 or above indicates clinically high levels of worry.




Please circle the numbers that best describe your experience in the past month.

1: I’ve been worrying a lot

0   None of the time

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

2: In my mind I have been going
over problems again and again

0   None of the time

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

3: There was little I could do to stop worrying

0   None of the time

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

4: I have been worrying even
though I didn’t want to

0   None of the time

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

5: Worry has stopped me focussing on important things in my day

0   None of the time

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

6: Worry has stopped me sleeping

0   None of the time

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

7: Worry has caused me to feel upset

0   None of the time

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

8: Worry has made me feel stressed.

0   None of the time

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

9: Worry has made me feel anxious

0   None of the time

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time

10: Worry has made me feel hopeless

0   None of the time

1   Rarely

2   Some of the time

3   Often

4   All of the time